Sunday, March 3, 2013

Love's Demonstration - John 13:1-17

   Whether it be occupy Wall Street or the “Arab Spring”, recent times have seen a resurgence of the demonstration. People, many with nothing else to take up their time because of a lack of jobs, have taken their concerns and arguments to the public arena by carrying a sign, handing out literature, or in extreme cases, throwing bombs.
   Personally I am not attracted to demonstrations as a way to express an opinion. Generally my interest in a cause diminishes when I see one. It would not be my style to be involved in such activity. But true passion or love or concern needs to be demonstrated in some way or it is not believable. In other words, don’t say you care about me and then ignore my needs.
   In the last hours before Jesus’ death on the Cross John tells us he ‘showed them (His disciples) the full extent of His love.’ Was it by giving them some great gift, or doing some miracle? No, Jesus washed their feet (John 13:1-17)!
   At the end of the passage Jesus explains the message of the action. You and I need to serve if we are to show true love. We can’t push ourselves to the forefront and ask to be honored if we are going to be like Jesus.
   Read the passage and ponder these things and decide where you need to “wash feet” this week.
The Circuit ‘Riter, Michael Ullrich

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