Friday, March 29, 2013

Love's Sacrifice - Matthew 27:45-46

There is a story that a forest ranger in Yellowstone found a bird carcass after a fire, knocked it over, and out ran three baby chicks that were protected by the mother bird's sacrifice of her own life. It makes a great illustration of what true sacrifice is all about - one willing to lose his or her life for someone else.

Only problem with the story is that it is apparently not true, at least as it has been spread. Supposedly the story was in a National Geographic, but a search of the magazine and asking the Park Rangers turns up nothing. Yep, it is disappointing, but all hope is not lost. True sacrifice does exist.

Let me tell you something about sacrifice that is true; Matthew 27:45 – 46 records, “From about the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land. About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This is of course a record of what happened when Jesus was dying on the cross.

We often think of the great sacrifice the Lord made by dying for our sins to be forgiven. We think about His burden of the sins, or the torturous death he endured. We know how much it must have hurt to have his disciples run away. But perhaps the greatest part of the whole sacrifice was the separation from the Father these verses spotlight. For a period of time the Trinity connection was somehow disconnected. For the first time in His life and in eternity Jesus didn't have that incomprehensible unity and fellowship. The agony of those moments was beyond anything else He endured – and He did it for you!
Will you ignore Him and the sacrifice or bow in worship and adoration because of the love He showed?

The Circuit ‘Riter, Michael Ullrich

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