Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Love's Walk - 1 John 2:6

   Once a year I take about a week to go to a pastor's conference at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.  It is a long drive but I have always found the expense and accompanying hassles of being away for it to be worth it.  Moody also happens to be the school that I graduated from so a pilgrimage there brings back a lot of great memories and even some old habits.
   I find when I hit the concrete streets and pathways around the school, I kick into kind of an overdrive when I walk. Back in my college days, I was often in somewhat of a hurry as I made my way between classes and other campus functions. When I am walking along with friends, I tend to leave them in the dust on occasion if I am not paying attention. I have to force myself to slow down or spend some lonely and somewhat embarrassing time way out in front of my fellows.
   The Bible uses the walking metaphor on several occasions in describing the Christian life.  In 1 John 2:6, John writes, "the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked."  The pronoun "He" is referring to Jesus Christ. The true believer should be striving to imitate the life walk of Jesus.
   A one time catchy popular marketed abbreviation - WWJD? - illustrates the idea, "What Would Jesus Do?"  If Jesus were in your shoes, what would He do? What would He say? How would He walk?
   To know the answer to those questions you must know Jesus as more than just Savior. That takes time in the Word of God and fellowship with the Lord. You have to make an effort to know how Jesus would walk.
   If you Love Him you should strive to walk in His way today. This is Love's true walk.
The Circuit ‘Riter, Michael Ullrich

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